Find the right school for your child.

Discover the perfect school for your child effortlessly with Rightschool. Our comprehensive platform empowers parents by providing essential insights, catchment maps, and trusted information.

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Made for parents

Hassle free school information finder.

Our platform simplifies the decision-making process by offering catchment maps, a comprehensive school information finder, and data lookup tools to assist parents in making informed choices.

Catchment area maps.
Locate your ideal school with precision using our catchment area maps.
Updated daily.
Stay informed on any changes to schools with data refreshed daily.
Map view of schools.
Explore schools through an interactive map view.
100+ data points per school.
Get a balanced view with over 100 data points for each school.
Trusted by parents.
Count on us, over ten thousand parents use the site monthly.
School information finder.
A comprehensive tool to find information about schools.s